The Difference Between Conversions and Events
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Every offer in the platform will have a "conversion" - this is whatever action a user is required to take in order for you to earn a commission. You may see some offers that also have "events" set up. This article will help you understand the differences between the two and how they are used. First, a couple of definitions:
- Conversion - We almost always use this term to refer to the "base conversion" of an offer. In other words, it is whatever action the customer needs to take for you to earn a commission (such as making a purchase or a submitting a form). Every offer we setup will have a Base Conversion configured
- Event - They are similar to conversions in that they track when a user takes a specific action, but they are entirely optional and they show up in reporting screens as "Events". They are used for many different purposes. Some examples include:
- Optimization Events - such as when a user adds a product to their cart, or when they hit the "checkout" button
- Pixel Tracking Integration - if an offer supports tracking via pixel, we would set them up as separate events
- Upsells - Some offers may have upsells that they will pay a commission on if the customer buys one of them after the base conversion
Filtering Offers with "Add to Cart" Events
The most commonly used optimization event in the platform is the "Add to Cart", which tells you how many people added the product to their shopping cart.
In order to make finding these offers easier, we have added "Event - Add to Cart" as a channel. Normally, channels are used specifically to identify an offer's allowed traffic types, but we added "Event - Add to Cart" so that you can filter the offers catalog down to only those that have an "Add to Cart" event enabled.
In the offers catalog, just click the filters icon , click the "Channels" option, and then select "Event - Add to Cart":
Identifying Events in the Offer Page
In the screenshot below, you can see in the "Payout" section that “Base” has a payout of $75.00 (“Base”, refers to the "base conversion", which is triggered when a sale is made).
This particular offer also has an “Add to Cart” event with a payout of $0.00 (outlined in red). The presence of the $0.00 “Add to Cart” event here means you will be able to track it in your reporting screens and see how many of the people that clicked your link added the product to their cart.
So, for example, if you were to go to the "Offers" reporting screen to look at this offer's stats, you may not see the event column in your report. If it is missing, you just need to enable it:
First, you click the button with the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the report, and then select "Columns Customization", and scroll down until you see "Events". Once you toggle "Events" on and hit apply, you will have a new column in your report:
Using the "Event" Report
You may also want to check out the "Events" report. You can find that report by opening the menu, clicking "Reporting", and then selecting "Event":
Once on the Events reporting screen, you will see the column "Events" where it will show each Event enabled for that offer (red box); in this case, that would be the "Base" conversion and the "Add to Cart" event. You will also see a column "Total (from Clicks)" which is the number of events that occurred as a result of someone clicking your link.
In the screenshot above, you can see that 3 "Add to Cart" events occurred for that campaign on that day, but no "base" conversions (i.e., no one purchased the product).