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Understanding GEO Restrictions and GEO Locking

Most offers target specific countries - some may target dozens of countries, while others target just one. The term "GEO Restrictions" refers to which countries an offer will accept traffic from.

These restrictions can generally be found in both the offer "Description" (green box) and the offer's "Targeting" section (red box):

Most of our offers have some kind of GEO Restrictions, and many of them will let anyone open the offer page regardless of their location.

Occasionally, you may find an offer that is GEO Locked. This means that the tracking link will only let users clicking from one of the targeted countries reach the landing page.

For example, if an offer is GEO Locked and is only targeting the US, then clicks coming from outside of the US will be blocked from reaching the landing page.

Any time a click comes from outside of an offer's targeted country, it will show up in the reporting as an "Invalid Click". This is true regardless of whether the click is blocked.

Usually you can use a VPN to get around this if you just want to see the landing page, but sometimes clicks from VPNs are blocked as well. If a tracking link doesn't open even when using a VPN, contact your account manager or submit a support ticket.