Navigating and Understanding the Invoice Screen
Once you have completed a full billing period and you have earned some commissions, the platform will begin to generate invoices for you. You can see these invoices by navigating to the Invoice Screen. All you need to do is expand the menu, click "Company Settings", and then click "Invoices":
Invoices will be generated after the end of each billing period*, provided you earned some commissions.
*The "billing period" is determined by the payment terms your account is on. To learn more about our payment terms, click here.
The invoice screen will show you your outstanding invoices by default:
You can change the invoices you are seeing by clicking the "Unpaid" button (outlined in red above) and selecting one of the other options:
Selecting "Paid" will show past invoices that have already been paid, while selecting "All" will show both paid and unpaid invoices.
If you want to look at the details for a particular invoice, all you need to do is click the "Invoice ID" field (outlined in red below) for that invoice:
Which brings up the "Invoice Details" screen:
On this screen, you can see the general details of the invoice, such as the billing period, status, total balance, etc. in the "General" section (outlined in red above). You can also see a breakdown of the invoice by offer in the details section (outlined in blue) - here you can find out how much revenue is attributed to each individual offer that makes up the invoice.
If you want to export the invoice for your own records, all you need to do is click the three vertical dots in the corner of the "General" section and then select "Export as PDF":
If you still need help understanding how invoices work, just reach out to your account manager or submit a support ticket.